Ambivalent Sexism Test
The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory is one of the most famous instruments for measuring sexism against women. Based on the work of psychologists Glick and Fiske, the test assesses two types of sexism that, according to its authors, complement each other to reinforce traditional gender roles and patriarchal social structures.
More than fifteen years of research on the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory supports that this test possesses genuine psychometric characteristics and is both empirically reliable and valid. Extensive research in over 19 countries has similarly established that the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory is valid across cultures.
Where do you fall on the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory? For each of the following items, indicate your level of agreement below.
Question 1 of 22
Men should sacrifice to ensure the well-being of women.
Disagree | Agree |
The IDRlabs Sexism Test (IDR-ST©) was developed by IDRlabs International. The IDR-ST is based on research by psychologists Peter Glick and Susan Fiske, in affiliation with Lawrence University and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. The IDR-ST is not associated with these researchers or their affiliated institutions.
The IDRlabs Sexism Test utilized research from psychologists Peter Glick and Susan Fiske to produce this free online test. This Sexism Test is based on the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory—a theoretical framework positing that sexism is made up of two distinct components of benevolent sexism and hostile sexism. While sexism is often thought of as something that is overtly negative, and hostile sexism being more pervasive across the psychological literature, this test demonstrates the ambivalent nature of sexism through examination of the more subtle, benevolent qualities as well.
This test provides a total (ambivalent) sexism score, as well as scores for the subscales of benevolent sexism and hostile sexism, in order to comprehensively assess the extent of one’s prejudice toward women. IDRlabs International and the present IDRlabs Sexism Test are independent from the above stated researchers and their affiliated academic institutions.
The Sexism Test was developed by professionals certified in the delivery and interpretation of various psychological instruments, who have worked in fields of psychology including social psychology, typology, and personality testing. Free online tests such as the Sexism Test are intended to be solely informative and educational first considerations of the construct being measured; they should, therefore, not be understood to provide a definitive answer regarding personal attitudes, beliefs, or components of one’s personality.
Though developed and statistically validated by professionals, free online tests such as this one should not be misconstrued as providing any kind of professional assessments, results, or recommendations. Individual test scores and accompanying personality snapshots of our free online Sexism Test are provided “as-is.” For additional information about our Sexism Test and our other free online psychological tests, please refer to our Terms of Service.