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Take one of our free personality tests, many of which are based on peer-reviewed scientific research, and all of which are crafted by experts in psychometrics.

Random Test
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Autism Test
The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) Test measures traits associated with autism spectrum disorder in adults.

Trauma Test
Based on the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Test, this test will give an indication of your Adverse Childhood Experiences.

Sexism Test
Based on the empirical research of Benson and Vincent, this scientifically validated instrument assesses your degree of sexism.

Sonic Test
Inspired by the research behind the Pooh Pathology Test, the Sonic Syndrome Test matches your traits to seven heroes and villains from the Sonic the Hedgehog universe.

Nostalgia Test
The 3-Minute Nostalgia Dependency Test will indicate whether you rely too much on the past in 3 minutes or less.

Pleasing Test
The 3-Minute People-Pleasing Test will indicate whether you have a tendency to prioritize others’ needs over your own in 3 minutes or less.

AstroMe Test
Go on the Astrome Adventure, where strange encounters in space will reveal your cosmic personality.

Find out which of eight WW2 leaders matches your style with this “just for fun” test.

Kitty Love Test
The Hello Kitty Love Lens Test is a “just for fun” test to determine which character from the Hello Kitty universe shares your special way of giving and receiving affection.

Marvel Test
Inspired by the research behind the Pooh Pathology Test, the Marvel Maladaptation Test matches your traits to seven heroes and villains from the Marvel universe.

Un-Love Test
The Un-Love Styles Test is a popular way of gauging which humorous, unexpected, and ironic ways of expressing love resonate with a person the most.

Capitalism Test
Discover where you stand on economic systems and wealth distribution with the Capitalism Attitudes Test (CATT).

Gun Rights Test
Based on professor Alexandra L. Filindra’s research, this test measures your stance on gun rights and ownership.

Outrage Test
Based on the research of Kate Ott, this test measures how easily you’re sparked into moral outrage.

Signaling Test
Based on the research of Jillian Jordan and David Rand, this test measures how much you signal your virtues.

Conspiracy Test
Based on the research of Karen M. Douglas, this test measures how much you lean into conspiracy thinking.

Cognitive Test
The Cognitive Reflection Test, developed at Yale University, is a concise tool designed to assess your capacity for reflective thinking.

Incredibles Test
Inspired by the research behind the Pooh Pathology Test, the Incredible Instincts Test matches your traits to seven heroes and villains from Pixar’s iconic superfamily.

Attraction Test
Based on the research of Peter K. Jonason, this test measures how much you’re drawn to dark personalities.

Religions Test
Discover which of eight world religions best matches your beliefs with this “just for fun” test.

Philosophy Test
Discover which of eight classic schools of philosophy matches your outlook with this lighthearted test.

Quiet BPD Test
The 3-Minute Quiet Borderline Test will indicate whether you have the quiet variant of borderline disorder in 3 minutes or less.

Orientation Test
Based on the work of psychologist Michael Storms, the Sexual Orientation test will determine your sexual orientation according to a non-binary approach to human sexuality.

Antagonism Test
Based on research from the University of Georgia, the Difficult Person Test measures whether you are easy or hard to get along with.

DSM Style Test
Personality styles represent more fluid and dynamic aspects of the personality than the static traits measured by most tests. This test will give you your personality style.

Pooh Test
Based on the work of professors Dr. Sarah E. Shea (M.D.) and Kevin Gordon (M.D.), the Pooh Pathology test will match your personality with one of the Winnie the Pooh characters.

Love Test
The Love Styles Test is a popular way of gauging which ways of expressing love resonate with a person the most. This test will give you yours.

Anger Test
This scientifically validated test, based on the work of Dr. Judith M. Siegel, has repeatedly been shown to have good reliability and validity and to account well for the many facets of this complex emotion.

IQ Test
The Speedrun IQ Test was compiled by independent researchers with the aim of mimicking pre-employment assessment tools.

Gender Test
This scientifically validated test, based on the work of Dr. Sandra Bem, has repeatedly been shown to have an astoundingly high chance of determining your gender.

Hogwarts Test
The Hogwarts House test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test that has achieved surprising popularity through the success of the Harry Potter franchise.

Love Test
The Capacity to Love Test is an instrument intended to analyze the extent of an individual’s capacity to love across 6 different domains.

Political Test
This test will measure your political opinions according to a non-biased and agenda-free set of questions that has been used by universities and political parties all over the world.

Autism Test
The Autism Spectrum Test combines several other autism measures into a single instrument intended to analyze autism symptoms across 10 different domains.

Dark Core Test
Based on the work of researchers Mashagen, Ph.D., Hilbig, Ph.D., and Zettler, Ph.D., this test will measure whether there is a dark core to your personality.

Jung Type Test
Our version of the world's most popular personality test, based on the work of Jung, Myers, and Briggs. This test will give you an indication of your personality type.

Likability Test
Based on research that expands on the Reysen Likability Scale, the Likable Person Test measures whether you are easy or hard to get along with.

Psychopath Test
Based on the work of associate professor Michael R. Levenson, the Psychopath Test is a scientifically-validated instrument for measuring a person’s degree of psychopathy.

ASD Test
This Anxiety-Stress-Depression test will give you an indication of your current levels of anxiety, stress, and depression as measured according to standardized clinical items.

Alignment Test
Originating with the D&D role-playing game, the 9 moral alignments, which describe a person’s moral and ethical outlook, have gained a cult following on the internet.

Kinsey Scale Test
Based on the work of researchers Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin, the Kinsey Scale test will give you your results on the Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale, also known as the "The Kinsey Scale."

Attachment Test
The way we attach to caregivers imprints us with a pattern of handling relationships that carries through to adulthood. This test will give you your attachment style.

Dark Triad Test
Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy are considered to be "dark" personality traits, but people with these traits are also perceived to be leader-like. This test will measure your dark traits.

8 Values Test
The 8 Values Test is a popular test that seeks to measure a person’s political standpoint according to eight political values.

Dark Traits Test
The Big Tent Dark Traits Test analyzes your tendencies towards Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, spitefulness, greed, perfectionism, and dependency.

Light/Dark Test
The Light/Dark Test combines the Dark and Light Triads of personality, uniting the two well-known tests into a single joint framework.

Zodiac Test
The True Zodiac Test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test that will determine what your true zodiac sign should be.

Borderline Test
The Borderline Spectrum Test combines several other instruments into a single test intended to analyze borderline symptoms across 10 different domains.

Rorschach Test
The Rorschach test is one of the most used psychological projective tests in the world. It can be used to screen whether your thought processes are normal.

Left / Right Test
Based on the scientific work of John R. Hibbing, Kevin B. Smith and John R. Alford, this test aims to guess your political orientation based on your lifestyle.

Gender Test
Based on the work of researchers Heilman and Peus, this Gender Coordinates Test will determine how people are likely to view your gender identity.

Intelligences Test
Based on the work of Dr. Howard Gardner, Ph.D., the Multiple Intelligences Test will discern your proclivities across nine different aptitudes.

Racism Test
Based on research from the University of Maryland and the University of California Santa Barbara, this test will determine your degree of racism.

The ADHD Spectrum Test combines several other measures into a single instrument intended to analyze ADHD symptoms across seven different domains.

IQ Test
Developed by independent researchers, the Matrices IQ test will determine your IQ.

Psychopathy Test
Based on the work of FBI advisor Robert Hare, the Psychopathy Checklist is one of the most widely used instruments in the psychiatric assessment of psychopaths.

EQ Test
This EQ Test uses a personality-based approach to emotional intelligence and measures your EQ across 15 different domains.

Communism Test
This test will determine whether you agree with communist doctrines, using a classical Marxist definition of communism.

Villain Test
This test will compare your personality to infamous dictators and terrorists using a unique hybrid of Jung's personality theory and the scientific Big Five system.

Potter Test
This test uses the methodology of professors Dr. Sarah E. Shea (M.D.) and Kevin Gordon (M.D.) to match your personality with one of the Harry Potter characters.

Depression Test
The Beck Depression Test is a classical and time-honored instrument in psychology, measuring a person’s depressive symptoms.

Bipolar Test
Based on the work of Dr. Robert M.A. Hirschfeld, M.D., this test screens for bipolar disorder and can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good scientific validity.

Potential Test
Based on research from the University of Massachusetts, the Holding Yourself Back Test measures whether you are your own worst enemy.

Homophobia Test
Based on the work of psychologists Wright, Adams, and Bernat, this scientifically validated test measures your level of homophobia.

Depression Test
Based on diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5 and research related to the PHQ-9, this scientifically validated test screens for depression in adults.

Sexual Test
Based on the work of psychologists Hendrick, Hendrick, and Reich, the Sexual Attitudes test will discern your attitude towards sex across four empirical domains.

Subculture Test
The Jock-Nerd/Prep-Goth alignment chart is a phenomenon in internet pop culture. This test will indicate your alignment within that system.

4 Axes Test
The 4 Axes Test is a popular, communally-developed test that seeks to measure four central aspects about a person.

Feminism Test
People often say that "feminism just means equal rights," but in reality, there are many definitions of feminism. This test measures what type of feminist you are, using five scales.

Hot/Crazy Test
The Hot/Crazy Scale Test is an artifact of internet pop culture; some claim it is pseudoscientific, while others maintain that it’s backed by studies.

Enneagram Test
Many Enneagram tests are based on no more than the personal intuition of their authors. This version of the Enneagram test is based on real psychometric data.

South Park Test
The South Park Test is an unscientific, “just for fun” test to match your personality with one of seven characters from this popular franchise.

Potter Test
The Harry Potter Character test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test that will match your personality with one of seven main characters from the Harry Potter franchise.

Food Test
Based on research from the University of Pennsylvania, the Food Social Class Test will determine your social class based on simple food choices.

Fascism Test
The word fascism has been robbed of meaning due to overuse in recent years. This test relies on the historically accurate definition to determine how much of a fascist you are.

Sociopath Test
Based on the work of Dr. John M. Grohol, Psy.D., this sociopath test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good scientific validity.

IQ Test
IQ is broadly agreed to be the most effective way of measuring intelligence. This test uses data from the SAPA and ICAR projects to deliver an IQ test that is scientifically and statistically validated.

Multiphasic Test
Based on research from the University of Minnesota, this test will give you your scores on the famous 10 Multiphasic Personality Scales.

HSP Test
Based on the work of psychologist Elaine Aron, this test assesses whether you qualify as a highly sensitive person (HSP).

Asexuality Test
Based on the work of Dr. Morag Yule, Ph.D., this asexuality test can be taken in 6 minutes while retaining good validity.

Based on the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, this scientifically-validated test screens for signs and symptoms of ADHD.

IQ Test
The Aptitude IQ Test was compiled by independent researchers with the aim of mimicking tests that help determine whether someone is qualified for cognitively demanding jobs.

Hierarchy Test
The idea that people can be sorted into distinct archetypes in the masculine social hierarchy has become a piece of modern internet culture.

Parenting Test
The Negative Parenting Test is an instrument intended to analyze what negative patterns you might be stuck in due to bad parenting.

Functions Test
At more advanced levels, Jung's theory of personality also deals with the concept of cognitive functions. This test will give you an indication of your cognitive functions.

Lifetrap Test
Drawing on breakthrough insights from cognitive therapy, psychologists Jeffrey E. Young, Ph.D. and Janet S. Klosko, Ph.D. developed the concept of lifetraps. This test will give you yours.

Enneagram Test
The Enneagram is a model of nine personality types. It is commonly used in self-help, business management, and spiritual development.

Gossip Girl Test
The Gossip Girl Personality Test is a “just for fun” quiz to match your personality to one of seven characters from the popular novel and television series.

Identity Test
The 7 Identities Test is a communally developed test to help people determine their characteristics in the new matrix of gender identities.

Purity Test
The Rice Purity Test measures your innocence or rowdiness in an updated version of the classic test that originated at Rice University in the 1960s.

Food Test
Based on the work of Dr. Christina Hartmann, Ph.D., the Food Disgust Sensitivity Test measures elevated responses to possible contaminants in one’s food.

Narcissism Test
This classic test, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), is one of the most widely used in psychology. It is designed to measure subclinical narcissism in the general population.

Morality Test
This test will measure your moral instincts on six foundations and use them to predict your political orientation. The test is based on peer-reviewed research from top universities.

Borderline Test
Based on the work of Dr. Mary C. Zanarini, Ed.D., this Borderline Personality Disorder test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Psychopathy Test
The Psychopathy Symptoms Test combines several other psychopathy measures into a single instrument that analyzes psychopathic elements across 8 different domains.

Partner Test
Based on the scientific work of social scientists Hassebrauck and Schwarz, this test will predict whether you are male or female based on the qualities you seek in a partner.

Sexism Test
Based on the scientific work of Peter Glick and Susan Fiske, this test determines levels of prejudice toward women.

Eating Test
Based on the scientific work of psychologists Fairburn, Cooper, and O’Connor, this scientifically validated test screens for signs and symptoms of eating disorders.

Autism Test
Based on the work of Dr. Sarah L. Barret, Ph.D., this autism test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Loneliness Test
This scientifically validated test, based on the work of Dr. Davis P. Tharayil, will determine to what degree you feel lonely and socially isolated.

Masochism Test
Based on the work of Dr. Thomas Schill, Ph.D., this Masochism Test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Toxic Test
The Toxic Masculinity Test combines the research of several other Toxic Masculinity measures into a single instrument that will determine your level of Toxic Masculinity.

BMI Test
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a convenient rule of thumb used to broadly categorize people as underweight, of normal weight, overweight, or obese.

Dom/Sub Test
The dominance/ submission test combines triadic measures of these traits, uniting the two tendencies in a single joint framework.

Kitty Test
The Hello Kitty Test is a “just for fun” test to determine which character from the Hello Kitty universe you most closely resemble.

Intelligences Test
Based on the work of Dr. Howard Gardner, Ph.D., the Intelligence Type Test will discover the ways in which you are smart.

Gender Test
This Gender Dysphoria Test is based on the scientifically validated GIDYQ-AA instrument, which screens for gender dysphoria in adults.

Sexy 7 Test
The Sexual Dimensions (or “Sexy Seven”) Test was developed by D.P. Schmitt, Ph.D. and D.M. Buss, Ph.D. to measure personality variation along sex-specific and evolution-relevant dimensions.

Wife Test
Based on a questionnaire made by George W. Crane, M.D., Ph.D. in 1929, the Marital Rating Scale measures qualities in a wife.

Toxic Test
Based on the work of Quintero and Long, the Toxic Positivity test will determine whether you have an unhealthy tendency to construe things as overly positive.

Avengers Test
The Avengers Test is an unscientific and “just for fun” personality assessment that will determine which of seven characters from The Avengers you resemble the most.

IQ Test
IQ is broadly agreed to be the most effective way of measuring intelligence. This IQ Test is based on the work of H.J. Eysenck.

Faces Test
Based on peer-reviewed research, this test will ask you to judge people based on their faces. The results reveal how comfortable you are with dominance and aggression.

Wojak Test
‘Wojaks’ are a family of memes that are commonly used in internet culture. This test will determine which Wojak you are.

Gilmore Girls Test
The Gilmore Girls Character Test is an unscientific, “just for fun” test to match your personality with one of six characters from the popular series.

Partner Test
The Healthy Partner Test is an instrument intended to analyze whether you are likely to be toxic or wholesome in a relationship.

Freud Style Test
The study of personality styles was initiated by Freud and modern psychology still owes much to Freud's ideas. Who would you be in Freud's original system?

Islam Test
Muslims and non-Muslims alike disagree on whether Islam is a peaceful or repressive religion. This test measures your conception of Islam and pegs it to the ongoing debate.

Morality Test
The Moral Vignettes Test is an expanded version of the Moral Foundations Test, measuring your profile across 10 different moral concerns.

Feminist Test
Based on the work of Dr. Nancy Henley, Ph.D., the Feminist Perspectives Test will determine your attitude towards several strands of feminism.

Paranoia Test
Based on the work of Dr. David Rawlings, D.Phil., this Paranoid Personality Disorder Test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Narcissism Test
Based on the work of Dr. Robert Raskin, Ph.D. and Calvin Hall, Ph.D., this narcissism test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good scientific validity.

Based on the work of Dr. Lenard Adler, M.D., this ADHD test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good scientific validity.

Sadism Test
Based on the work of Dr. Rachel Plouffe, Ph.D., this Sadism Test can be taken in 6 minutes while retaining good validity.

Anxiety Test
This test combines five scientifically validated anxiety tests into one composite test that screens for anxiety in adults.

Philosopher Test
The Philosopher Test measures which of seven philosophers you resemble the most.

Marvel Test
The Marvel Test is an unscientific and “just for fun” personality assessment that will determine which of seven characters from the Marvel universe you resemble the most.

Faces Test
Based on the work of social psychologist Nicholas Holtzman Ph.D., this test determines whether you are able to identify dark traits in people.

Cultural Test
The Cultural Dimensions Test is used to understand the differences in culture across countries.

Color Test
Based on the work of Swiss psychotherapist Max Lüscher, the Color Test reveals an individual’s psychophysical state based on their color preferences.

Conservative Test
This test will determine whether you agree with conservative sensibilities and doctrines, using a composite empirical method.

Depression Test
Based on the work of Dr. Kurt Kroenke, M.D., this depression test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good scientific validity.

Psychosis Test
The Psychosis Spectrum Test combines several other psychosis measures into a single instrument intended to analyze psychosis symptoms across 10 different domains.

Impurity Test
The Impurity Test measures your levels of purity with regard to alcohol, drugs, sex, hygiene, and general morality.

Big Five Test
This test will measure your personality on the Big Five, which is the gold standard in science. It can be taken in one minute or less while retaining good validity.

Twilight Test
The Twilight character test is an unscientific, “just for fun” test to match your personality with one of seven characters from the popular franchise.

Marines Test
The Space Marine Test is a “just for fun” test to determine what Space Marine Chapter from Warhammer 40k you most closely resemble.

Avoidant Test
Based on the criteria of the American Psychiatric Association, this avoidant personality disorder test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Hogwarts Test
This version of the Hogwarts House Test was made by combining input from the scientific Big Five, HEXACO, and Dark Triad models of personality.

Stress Test
Based on the work of Dr. Sheldon Cohen, Ph.D., this stress test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good scientific validity.

BLM Test
This test will determine how much you agree with the aims of the Black Lives Matter movement, using the organization’s stated beliefs and demands.

Self-Esteem Test
Based on the work of Dr. Morris Rosenberg, Ph.D., this self-esteem test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Spirit Test
The spirit animal test will determine which animal functions as your guide through the spiritual world.

Anorexia Test
Based on the work of Dr. John F. Morgan, M.D., this anorexia test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Husband Test
Based on a questionnaire made by George W. Crane, M.D., Ph.D. in 1929, the Marital Rating Scale measures qualities in a husband.

EN-T Test
The EN Temperament Test was developed by H.J. Eysenck, Ph.D. It measures Extroversion and Neuroticism, and pegs them to the ancient theory of the four humors.

Trauma Test
The Trauma Profile Test measures four types of childhood trauma and five types of adult difficulties emerging as the result of childhood trauma.

D&D Class Test
The D&D Class Test will determine which of the 12 D&D classes from the popular D&D game your personality most closely aligns with.

Attachment Test
Attachment styles are one of the most important concepts in psychology. This test will determine your attachment style with greater precision than most.

Transgender Test
Based on data from the PEW Research Center and the Human Rights Campaign, this test will determine your attitude to transgenderism based on issues that currently divide the public.

Autism Test
Based on the Ritvo Autism Asperger’s Diagnostic Scale, the short form version of the Autism Test assesses autism across five different domains.

Star Wars Test
The Star Wars Character test is an unscientific and "just for fun" test that will match your personality with one of seven characters from the Star Wars franchise.

Mindset Test
Based on the work of Dr. Carol Dweck, Ph.D., this test will determine whether you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset.

IQ Test
The Viking IQ Test was developed by independent researchers with the aim of mimicking pre-employment assessment tools.

Complexes Test
Based on the work of Dr. Theodore Millon, and compatible with the DSM system, this test will measure your personality complexes.

Psychopath Test
The Movie Psychopath Test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test that will match your personality with one of six psychopathic film characters.

Gender Test
Based on the work of Valerio Capraro, Ph.D., the Gender Game Test will determine whether your decision-making is masculine or feminine.

Masculine Test
Based on the work of Jungian analysts Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette, this test will allow you to discover your masculine energies and archetypes.

Eating Test
Based on the work of Dr. Barry K. Herman, M.D., this Binge Eating Disorder test can be taken in 3 minutes or less while retaining good validity.

Big Five Test
The Big Five is the gold standard in science. It is the most widely used personality test in scientific research. This test will give you your scores on the 30 Big Five subscales, while retaining a length of only 50 questions.

Big Five Test
This test will measure your personality on the Big Five, which is the gold standard in science. It will also match your scores with Professor J.A. Johnson's Big Five personality types.

Wednesday Test
The Wednesday Test is a “just for fun” test to determine which character from the Wednesday television series you most closely resemble.

Asexuality Test
The Asexuality Spectrum Test will determine the elements of your possible asexuality across 6 scales.

Barbie Test
The Barbie Test is an unscientific and "just for fun" test made popular by the popularity of the Barbie franchise.

Libertarian Test
Libertarianism has often been called the "third force" in politics - an alternative to the traditional left and right. This test determines how much of a libertarian you are.

Dissociation Test
The Depersonalization-Derealization Test analyzes the self-reporting of sentiments related to alterations in perception associated with depersonalization and derealization.

Masochism Test
The Masochistic Personality Spectrum Test combines several other measures into a single instrument intended to analyze masochistic symptoms across 8 different domains.

GoT Test
The Game of Thrones character test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test that matches your personality to one of seven characters from the Game of Thrones series.

Fashion Test
Based on research from the University of Pennsylvania, the Fashion Choices Test will determine your social status based on simple fashion choices.

Gods Test
The Greek Gods Test will determine which of seven Greek gods you resemble the most.

Generals Test
The WW2 Generals Test uses a composite model of tactical attitudes and personality traits to determine which of six World War 2 generals you would be.

Schizoid Test
Based on the work of Dr. Octav Sorin Candel, Ph.D., this Schizoid Test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

IQ Test
IQ is broadly agreed to be the most effective way of measuring intelligence. This IQ Test is based on the work of Alfred Binet.

Manipulation Test
Based on the work of Dr. Richard Christie, Ph.D., this Machiavellianism test can be taken in 3 minutes or less while retaining good validity.

Eating Test
The Eating Disorders Indicators Test is an instrument that analyzes eating disorders indicators concerning anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating.

True Colors Test
Based on the work of the personality theorist Don Lowry, the True Colors Test postulates that human temperament falls into one of four categories.

Dexter Test
The Dexter Test will determine which of seven Dexter characters you resemble the most.

Career Role Test
This test will give you an indication of which career role you are likely to thrive in. Employers and employees can benefit from taking this test together and discussing the results.

Bipolar Test
The Bipolar Spectrum Test combines several other bipolar measures into a single instrument intended to analyze bipolar symptoms across 10 different domains.

Jealousy Test
This scientifically validated test, based on the work of Doctors Pfeiffer and Wong, has been shown to have good validity and to account well for the many facets of this complex emotion.

Based on the scientific work of psychologists Ashton and Lee, the Dark HEXACO test will measure your dark side in the HEXACO system of personality.

Anti-hero Test
Inspired by famous anti-heroes from pop-culture lore, the Anti-hero Test evaluates personal features related to anti-heroes.

Black / White Test
Based on a large poll by the Pew Research Center, this test will ask you questions on race relations in America and use your answers to determine whether you are black or white.

Dictator Test
The Dictator Test will determine the extent to which you agree with seven infamous dictators.

Disgust Test
Based on the work of Dr. Jonathan Haidt, Ph.D., Dr. Clark McCauley, Ph.D., and Dr. Paul Rozin, Ph.D., the Disgust Test measures responses to seven types of revulsion.

Empathy Test
The Empathy Test combines several other measures into a single instrument intended to analyze the nature and structure of a person’s empathy.

Anxiety Test
Based on the work of Dr. Robert L. Spitzer, M.D., this anxiety test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good scientific validity.

Depression Test
The Depression Spectrum combines several other measures into a single instrument intended to analyze depression symptoms across 8 different domains.

Mental Age Test
The Mental Age Test is a “just for fun” test that will determine how old you are on the inside.

Morality Test
This test will measure your moral instincts on three foundations and use them to predict your political orientation. The test is based on peer-reviewed research from top universities.

Transphobia Test
The Transphobia Test analyzes whether you have negative prejudice concerning transgender individuals.

Music Test
Based on the work of sociologist Clayton Childress and colleagues at Duke University, the music taste test will measure your presumed social status based on your taste in music.

Values Test
Based on the Portrait Values Questionnaire developed by Shalom H. Schwartz, the Human Values Test will determine your scores on 10 universal human values.

Career Test
Based on the RIASEC model of career types, this personality-based test will determine what type of job you are best suited for.

F-Scale Test
This historically significant test was designed by Theodor Adorno and associates in order to measure authoritarian and fascist tendencies in the general population.

Succession Test
The Succession Test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test to see which character from the TV show you resemble the most.

Fascism Test
The Fascist Elements test combines several other measures into a single instrument intended to analyze agreement with fascism across 10 different domains.

OCD Test
The Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Test combines several other measures into a single instrument to analyze compulsive symptoms across 7 different domains.

Generation Test
Based on research from the Pew research center, this Millennial or Zoomer Test will determine which of the two generations you resemble the most.

Identity Test
Intersectionality is a controversial idea. This test will determine whether you are privileged or marginalized based on a matrix of intersecting identities.

Schizotypy Test
Based on the work of Dr. Meinte G. Vollema, Ph.D., this schizotypy test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Abuse Test
Peer-reviewed research suggests that as many as three out of four people will experience abuse from a partner at least once in their lives. This test will gauge the extent of abusive dynamics in your relationship.

Neuro Test
Based on research in psychology, the Neurodivergence Test will measure your neurological profile varieties.

Borderline Test
Based on the diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5, this scientifically validated test screens for borderline features in adults.

Masculinity Test
This test will let you find out whether you are a mature and balanced man, according to the work of Jungian analysts Robert L. Moore, Ph.D. and Douglas Gillette.

President Test
This test will give you your personality scores in the Big Five system of personality, which is the gold standard in science. It will also compare you to the scores of U.S. presidents.

Car Test
This test, based on the work of the psychologists Rammstedt, John and Miller, aims to predict your taste in cars using only 10 questions and the scientific Big Five framework.

Smart BMI Test
Smart BMI is a dynamic and improved measure of BMI that factors in the test taker’s age and gender. This test will determine your Smart BMI.

This Kardashians test will match you with one of six personalities from Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Socialism Test
The Socialism Test combines several other measures into a single instrument intended to analyze agreement with socialism across 6 different domains.

Psychopathy Test
Inspired by the work of Dr. Scott Lilienfeld, Ph.D. and colleagues, the Psychopathy Matrix Test measures whether you have psychopathic traits.

Brain Test
Based on the work of Dr. Loren D. Crane, Ph.D., the Left-Brained/Right-Brained Test will determine your dominant brain hemisphere.

Dirty Dozen Test
Based on the work of researchers P.K. Jonason and G.D. Webster, the Dirty Dozen test is a shortened version of the Dark Triad test, which measures three dark traits.

EQ Test
This Emotional Intelligence test measures your ability to recognize and process emotions constructively. It uses a personality-based approach and four scales.

Chaos Test
The Chaos Powers test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test that compares your outlook on life to that of the four Chaos powers from the Warhammer universe.

Breakup Test
Based on the scientific work of John Gottman, Ph.D., this test predicts whether your relationship is likely to end in a breakup.

Star Trek Test
The Star Trek character test is an unscientific and "just for fun" test that matches your personality to one of seven characters from Star Trek: TNG.

Narcissism Test
The Covert Narcissism Test analyzes the self-reporting of feelings and behaviors associated with maladaptive covert-vulnerable narcissism.

OCD Test
Based on the work of Dr. Wayne K. Goodman, M.D., this OCD Test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Impostor Test
Based on the work of Dr. Pauline Rose Clance, Ph.D., this Impostor Syndrome test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Ideologies Test
Leading social scientists like Niall Ferguson and Francis Fukuyama once declared non-liberal ideologies dead, but recent developments have proved them wrong. This test will determine your ideological foundations.

R&M Test
This test will let you discover which character from the popular show Rick and Morty you most closely resemble in terms of personality pathologies.

Asperger Test
Based on the work of Dr. Brenda Myles, Ph.D., this Asperger Syndrome test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Gender Test
One of the current fronts in the culture war is over the conception of gender. This test will determine whether your conception of gender is binary or progressive.

Aggression Test
This Aggression Test, based on the work of researchers Bass and Darki, intends to analyze aggression indicators across 8 different domains.

Privilege Test
The TikTok Check Your Privilege Challenge is a popular variant of the platform's widespread "put a finger down" game that highlights discrimination.

Star Wars Test
Based on the work of psychiatrists Dr. Ryan C.W. Hall (M.D.), Dr. Susan H. Friedman (M.D.) and associates, the Star Wars Pathology test will match your personality with one of seven Star Wars characters.

Based on diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5, this scientifically validated test screens for PTSD in adults.

Brain Test
Based on the work of Helen Fisher, Ph.D., this Brain Chemistry test links personality traits to various chemicals in the brain.

Dependence Test
Based on the work of Dr. John M. Grohol, Psy.D., this test screens for dependent personality disorder and can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

This test will give you your personality scores on the HEXACO test, which is a proposed innovation of the scientific Big Five system of personality.

Self-Esteem Test
The Self-Esteem Test assesses personality traits related to positive self-concept across five different domains of contentment and self-worth.

Conspiracy Test
Based on the work of researchers Brotherton, French, and Pickering, the Conspiracy Test will determine your degree of conspiracist beliefs.

Light Triad Test
The Light Triad Test is a counterpart to the Dark Triad Test. It measures the prosocial traits of empathy, compassion, and altruism.

Islam Test
Based on the inventory developed by Imhoff and Recker and improved by Crane and Bano, this test will determine whether you are prejudiced towards Muslims.

Patronus Test
The Patronus Test is an unscientific and "just for fun" test that has achieved surprising popularity through the success of the Harry Potter franchise.

Zodiac Test
The True Chinese Zodiac Test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test that will determine what your true Chinese zodiac sign should be.

Extroversion Test
Based on the work of Dr. Robert McCrae, Ph.D., this extroversion test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Politics Test
This test measures your political standpoint on the basis of a predictive theory coined by Hans Eysenck, Ph.D.

Cat Test
Based on the work of Dr. Rebecca Evans at Liverpool University, the Cat Psychopathy Test will measure whether your cat is a psychopath.

Love Test
Based on the work of Dr. Zick Rubin, this test will measure the degree to which you like and/or love someone.

Woke Test
“Woke” is a slang term that refers to one of the most prominent social movements of today. This test will determine whether you are woke or not.

Dating Test
Based on a model that has recently become popular in online culture, the Partner Zone Test will determine how others are likely to view you.

Anxiety Test
Based on research from the American Psychiatric Association, this scientifically validated test screens for common indicators of anxiety.

Dependent Test
The Dependent Personality Spectrum Test combines several other measures into a single instrument intended to analyze dependency symptoms across eight different domains.

Team Role Test
This test will measure your aptitude for different team behaviors. Team Roles modelling is one of the most widely used measures in organizational psychology.

Narcissism Test
The Narcissism Spectrum Test combines several other measures into a single instrument intended to analyze narcissistic symptoms across 8 different domains.

Cats/Dogs Test
Based on the scientific Big Five measure of personality, this test will determine whether you are more likely to be a dog person or a cat person.

SCZ Test
Based on the work of Dr. Nancy Coover Andreasen, M.D., this Schizophrenia Test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Movie Star Test
This test will give you your personality scores in the Big Five system of personality, which is the gold standard in science. It will also compare you to the scores of famous movie stars.

Family Guy Test
The Family Guy Test will determine which of seven Family Guy characters you resemble the most.

Dragonball Z Test
The Dragonball Z Test is a “just for fun” test to determine which character from the Dragonball series you most closely resemble.

Apology Test
The Apology Languages Test is a popular way of gauging which ways of expressing apologies resonate with a person the most. This test will reveal yours to you.

Eating Test
Based on the work of Dr. Jim Gormally, this test will measure whether you struggle with an impulsive eating disorder in 3 minutes or less while retaining good validity.

Breaking Bad Test
The Breaking Bad Test measures which of seven characters from the show you resemble the most.

Greek Loves Test
Modern pop culture tends to speak of love as if it were just one thing, but people express love differently. This test will measure your take on love in relation to the four archetypal forms of love.

Ilvermorny Test
The Ilvermorny House Test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test that will determine what house you belong to in the Ilvermorny school of magic from the Harry Potter franchise.

Privilege Test
The Power/Privilege Wheel Test is used to give a person an idea of their power or marginalization according to an intersectional framework.

Biden/Trump Test
Based on data from YouGov and the scientific Moral Foundations Theory, this test will determine whether you are more likely to support Biden or Trump.

Mentality Test
Based on research from the University of Cincinnati, this test will determine whether you tend toward optimism or pessimism.

PEN Test
The PEN model is a biological and behavioristic framework developed by H.J. Eysenck, Ph.D. It measures the top-level traits of Extroversion, Neuroticism, and Psychoticism.

Adversity Test
Based on peer-reviewed research, the Adversarial Heterosexual Beliefs test measures whether you have a stereotypical view of gender roles and whether you have a hostile view of men and/or women.

Maladaptive Test
Based on research from the American Psychiatric Association, the PID-5 Test is a novel way of measuring personality maladaptations.

Conflict Test
The Conflicts Coordinates Test will tentatively determine which sides you support in the conflicts between Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Palestine.

Schizoid Test
The Schizoid Spectrum Test is an instrument that analyzes schizoid personality features across eight different domains.

Hunger Test
The Hunger Games character test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test to match your personality to one of seven characters from the Hunger Games franchise.

Friends Test
This test will determine which of the characters from the television show Friends you resemble the most, using the scientific Big Five system of personality.

Parents Test
Based on research from Washington University in St. Louis, the Parental Influence Test will determine how your parent(s) affected you.

Gender Test
Based on the work of researchers Heilman and Peus, the 4 Identities Test will determine how people are likely to view your gender identity.

Values Test
Based on the World Values Survey and the Inglehart–Welzel Cultural Map, the Civilizational Values Test will determine where in the world your values belong.

Perfection Test
Based on the work of psychologists Dr. Paul Hewitt and Dr. Gordon Flett, this scientifically-validated test measures your perfectionist tendencies.

Sizeism Test
Based on the AFA, ATOP, and BAOP inventories, this test screens for weight-related bias and discrimination.

Histrionic Test
Based on the work of Dr. Christopher Ferguson, Ph.D., this Histrionic Personality Disorder Test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Based on the work of researchers MacRae and Furnham, the High Potential Personality Test will determine whether you are fit for high performance.

Incel Test
Based on peer-reviewed research from Michigan State University, the Incel Test evaluates elements and beliefs consistent with being an incel.

Marines Test
The Chaos Space Marine Test is a “just for fun” test to determine what Chaos Space Marine Chapter from Warhammer 40k you most closely resemble.

Jung Type Test
Another take on the world's most popular personality test, based on the work of Jung, Myers, and Briggs. This test will give you an indication of your personality type.

Trump Test
This completely unscientific and "just for fun" test will ask you to rate your level of agreement with some of Trump's most colorful statements through the years.

Semitism Test
Based on the work of renowned psychologist and researcher H.J. Eysenck, the Anti-Semitism Test will determine how you view Jewish people.

Sadism Test
The Sadistic Personality Spectrum Test combines several other measures into a single instrument intended to analyze sadistic symptoms across 8 different domains.

Feminine Test
Based on a concept that has gained traction in online culture, the Feminine Energy Test will measure whether you manifest light or dark female energy.

Office Test
The Office Test (US version) will determine which of seven characters from the TV show you resemble the most.

President Test
Based on the scientific Moral Foundations Theory, this test will determine which U.S. president has the most in common with your morality.

Simpsons Test
Using the methodology of Professors Dr. Sarah E. Shea (M.D.), Dr. Kevin Gordon (M.D.), and associates, this test will match your personality with one of seven Simpsons characters.

Friends Test
The Friends Test will determine which of six ‘Friends’ characters you resemble the most.

Jung Type Test
A modern rendition of C.G. Jung’s personality theory, which constitutes the framework for the most popular and widely used personality test in the world.

Wealth Test
The Money Making Traits Test will determine if have the combination of traits that is commonly found among people who are good at making money.

SatC Test
This test will determine which of the characters from Sex and the City you resemble the most, using a mix of different personality models.

Love Test
The Cyberculture Love Styles Test is a modern variant of the classical Love Styles Test, specifically centered around internet culture.

Dark Dozen Test
Based on the work of Dr. Tayler Truhan, Ph.D. at Belfast University, the Dark Dozen Test explores the 12 subtraits of the popular Dark Triad Test.

Hierarchy Test
That people can be sorted into masculine archetypes in the social hierarchy has become part of modern internet culture. This test also includes subtrait scoring.

Dark Quad Test
The Dark Quad test is a proposed innovation on the Dark Triad Test, which includes the element of sadism along with the traditional Dark Triad traits.

Introversion Test
Based on the work of Dr. Robert McCrae, Ph.D., this introversion test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Sociality Test
Based on the work of Silvera, Martinussen, and Dahl, the Social Intelligence Test analyzes prosocial characteristics across three different domains.

Stress Test
Based on the work of psychology professor Sheldon Cohen, the Personal Stress Test is one of the most widely used psychological instruments for measuring an individual’s level of stress.

Officer Test
The German general Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord believed that all officers could be characterized according to a simple measure of personality.

Cat Test
Based on the work of Carla Litchfield and colleagues at the University of South Australia, the Feline Five test will measure your cat’s personality.

Archetype Test
This test assesses features associated with different archetypes, according to the theory of C.G. Jung.

Social Test
Based on the work of David W. Merrill, Ph.D. and Roger H. Reid, Ph.D., this test will measure your perception of your interactional style.

Mean Girls Test
The Mean Girls Character Test is a “just for fun” quiz to match your personality to one of seven characters from the popular teen comedy film.

The How I Met Your Mother Test will determine which of seven characters from the TV show you resemble the most.

Drama Test
Based on the work of Dr. Stephen B. Karpman, the Drama Triangle Test suggests that we all play the victim, rescuer, or persecutor in regard to human drama.

Grit Test
Based on the work of Angela Duckworth, Ph.D., the Grit Test will determine your level of passion and perseverance for long-term goals even in the face of adversity.

Career Test
Based on the RIASEC model of career types, this interests-based test will determine what type of job you are best suited for.

Gender Bias Test
Based on the work of Dr. Maura Mills and associates, the Gender Stereotype Test measures whether you have a conventional view of gender roles.

Hot Girl Test
The Hot Girl Summer Test measures how innocent or rowdy young women have been during the summer season.

Food Test
Based on the work of sociologist Clayton Childress and colleagues at Duke University, the Food Preference Test will measure your presumed social status based on your taste in food.

Wojak Test
‘Wojaks’ are a family of memes that are commonly used in internet culture. This test is a variation of the original test and includes 8 Wojaks.

Transphobia Test
The Internalized Transphobia Test, meant for transgender individuals, analyzes whether you have internalized society’s normative gender expectations.

Electability Test
Based on the work of Aubrey Immelman, Ph.D, and Theodore Millon, Ph.D, DSc, this test predicts whether you could be president of the USA.

D&D Race Test
The D&D Race Test will determine which of 11 races from the popular D&D game your personality most closely aligns with.

Racism Test
The world-famous economist Thomas Piketty has proposed a series of suggestions to combat racism. Do you agree with his suggestions?

Mindfulness Test
Based on the work of Dr. Kirk Brown and Dr. Richard Ryan, Ph.D., this mindfulness test will determine your inherent levels of mindfulness.

Killer Test
Inspired by psychometric methodology and research on infamous murderers, the Serial Killer test assesses personality features compared to seven notorious serial killers.

Schizotypal Test
The Schizotypal Spectrum Test is an instrument that analyzes schizotypal personality features across eight different domains.

Humor Test
Based on the work of Dr. Rod Martin, the Humor Styles Test is an instrument intended to analyze one’s use of humor across 4 different domains.

Annoying Test
The Annoying Person Test is a communally-developed test to measure whether you are a person who is likely to disgruntle others.

Narcissism Test
Based on the work of Dr. Jonathan M. Cheek, Ph.D., this Closet Narcissism test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Numeracy Test
People who are good with numbers also tend to make better decisions. This numeracy test, developed by scientists at Tilburg University, will determine how numerate you are.

Anti-Social Test
The cognitive life of a psychopath is different from that of others. The Anti-Social Cognitions Test measures whether you have psychopathic thoughts and feelings.

Left Values Test
The Left Values Test is a variant of the popular 8 Values Test that seeks to measure a person’s political standpoint according to 14 political priorities.

Bulimia Test
Based on the work of David M. Garner Ph.D., this Bulimia test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good scientific validity.

The Lord of the Rings Test is an unscientific, “just for fun” test to match your personality with one of seven characters from this popular franchise.

Sapio Test
Inspired by the work of Dr. Gilles Gignac, Ph.D., the Sapiosexuality Test will discern your level of attraction to others based on their intelligence.

Movie Test
Based on the work of sociologist Clayton Childress and colleagues at Duke University, the movie taste test will measure your presumed social status based on your taste in movies.

Defenses Test
The Defense Style Test analyzes your self-reporting of sentiments related to defensive functioning and coping styles.

Potter Test
This test uses the methodology of professors Dr. Sarah E. Shea (M.D.) and Kevin Gordon (M.D.) to match your personality with one of seven minor characters from the Harry Potter franchise.

Happiness Test
Inspired by the work of Dr. Martin Seligman, the Happiness Test analyzes your prerequisites for happiness across eight domains.

Death Eater Test
The Death Eater Test is an unscientific and "just for fun" test that predicts whether you would have joined the Death Eaters in Harry Potter.

Avoidant Test
The Avoidant Personality Spectrum Test combines several other measures into a single instrument intended to analyze avoidant symptoms across 8 different domains.

Charisma Test
Based on the work of M. Shashkin and W.C. Morris, the Charisma Test analyzes characteristics of charisma across 6 different domains.

NPC Test
The NPC Test will determine whether you share qualities with the type of person who is commonly referred to as an NPC in online discourse.

Anxiety Test
The Beck Anxiety Test is a classical and time-honored instrument in psychology that measures a person’s anxiety symptoms.

Happiness Test
Inspired by the work of Dr. Martin Seligman, the Happiness Motives Test analyzes your prerequisites for happiness across five domains.

Gender Test
Mike Thelwall and colleagues at the University of Wolverhampton found strong gender differences in reading habits. What does your taste in books say about your gender?

Privilege Test
The Privilege Fingers Test is a shortened version of the classic Privilege Walk exercise, which is commonly used in sensitivity training at educational institutions and in workplaces.

Hypomania Test
Based on the work of Dr. Jules Angst, M.D., this Hypomania Test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Food Test
Based on a recent YouGov survey, the Italian Food Test measures whether you are preparing and eating Italian cuisine like a true Italian.

Star Wars Test
This test will give you your personality scores in the Big Five system of personality, which is the gold standard in science. It will also compare you to the (presumed) scores of Star Wars characters.

AQ Test
The Autism Quotient Test is created by Simon Baron-Cohen, Ph.D. to assess the manifestation of autism spectrum traits on a single scale.

Empathy Test
The 4 Empathies Test will measure whether your empathy is predominantly physical, cognitive, emotional, or intuitive.

Control Test
The Locus of Control Test is an instrument intended to analyze whether you believe you have control over the outcomes of events in your life.

Femininity Test
Based on archetypes from popular culture, the Toxic Femininity Test will determine which of four toxic archetypes you resemble.

Ghosting Test
Based on the work of Peter Jonason at Padua University, the Ghosting Test will determine whether you are likely to end a relationship through silence.

Political Test
The Political Pathways Test is a short and contemporary Political Coordinates-style test that incorporates the dimension of globalism vs. localism.

GoT Test
This test uses the methodology of professors Dr. Sarah E. Shea (M.D.) and Kevin Gordon (M.D.) to match your personality with one of the Game of Thrones characters.

Morality Test
Based on research from Oxford University, the Morality-as-Cooperation Test is a proposed innovation on the classic Moral Foundations framework.

Princess Test
The Disney Princesses Test will determine which of seven Disney Princesses you resemble the most.

Politics Test
Based on the work of Marta Fraile and her colleagues at the Spanish National Research Council, the Political Priorities Test will decipher your political gender.

FruitMe Test
The FruitMe Test is a lighthearted and “just for fun” test that has proven popular on the internet.

Alt-right Test
Based on the research of Forscher & Kteily, this test will determine whether you are liberal, conservative, or alt-right.

Based on the work of Dr. Andrew Przybylski, Ph.D., the Fear of Missing Out Test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Food Test
The Diet Mapping Test is an informal way of mapping out the overall composition of your diet and comparing it with others.

16PF Test
The 16 Personality Factors (16 PFT) Test is an instrument that analyzes personality features across 16 different domains.

Negativistic Test
Based on the work of Dr. Lee Anna Clark, Ph.D., this negativistic/passive-aggressive test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Positivity Test
Based on the work of Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., this Positive Psychology Test will measure your levels of happiness, gratefulness, and spirituality.

Mentalization Test
The Mentalization Test assesses psychological features related to mentalization across seven different domains.

Hogwarts Test
Hogwarts House Test, featuring the possibility for someone to be a a combination of two Houses or an independent/unaligned wizard.

Based on the work of psychologists William M. Marston and Walter V. Clarke, the DISC measures dominance, influence, steadiness and compliance. It is one of the most widely used tests in organizational psychology.

Philosopher Test
The Philosopher Test #2 measures which of seven philosophers you resemble the most.

Critics Test
The Inner Critics Test intends to analyze self-sabotaging thinking patterns across 10 different domains.

Sexism Test
Based on the scientific work of psychologists Glick and Fiske, this test determines levels of prejudice toward men.

Autism Test
Based on the Ritvo Autism Asperger’s Diagnostic Scale, the Autism Test assesses personality traits and functioning related to autism across five different domains.

Strengths Test
Inspired by the work of Dr. Christopher Peterson, the 24 Strengths Test measures your strengths and virtues across 24 different domains.

Corona Test
Coronavirus anxiety is a new type of mental health phenomenon. Based on the scientific (DSM-5) criteria, this is the first test of its kind that screens for coronaphobia.

Lion King Test
The Lion King character test is an unscientific and "just for fun" test that matches your personality to one of eight characters from Lion King.

Greed Test
Based on the work of Dr. Marcel Zeelenberg, Ph.D., this Greed Test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Trauma Test
Based on the work of David P. Bernstein and colleagues at Maastricht University, the Childhood Trauma Test maps your early ordeals.

Conflict Test
Based on the work of K.W Thomas, the Conflict-Handling Test analyzes our styles of conflict management across 5 different domains.

Histrionic Test
The Histrionic Spectrum Test is an instrument that analyzes histrionic personality features across eight different domains.

Blood Type Test
The Japanese Blood Type Test is a youth craze from Japan that links one’s postulated blood type to a series of personality traits.

Resilience Test
Based on the scientific work of psychologists Friborg, Barlaug, and associates, the Resilience test will determine whether you are capable of positive adjustment in tough situations.

Barbie Test
The Classic Barbies Test will determine which of six classic Barbies you are.

Buddhist Test
This test uses a personality system, which was developed by the Indian monk Buddhaghosa and is more than 1500 years old, to determine which of three personality types you are.

Victimhood Test
Based on the work of Rahav Gabay and research from Tel Aviv University, the Victimhood Test measures your tendency to perceive yourself as a victim.

Fragility Test
This test will determine whether you agree with Robin DiAngelo and the claims in her book, White Fragility.

Sleep Test
Based on the popular theory of chronotypes, the Sleep Chronotype Test will measure your sleep-wake cycle.

Paranoia Test
The Paranoid Spectrum Test combines several other measures into a single instrument intended to analyze paranoid symptoms across 8 different domains.

Shyness Test
Based on the work of Dr. James McCroskey, the Shyness Test will determine your degree of social inhibition around others.

Aura Test
The Aura Color Test is a fun and lighthearted quiz that uses your personality traits to reveal which vibrant aura color represents your unique energy.

Learning Test
The Learning Styles Test measures whether you are auditory, kinesthetic, or visual in your learning style.

Woke Test
Based on the research of Finnish researcher Oskari Lahtinen at the University of Turku, the Critical Social Justice Test will determine whether you are woke.

Ageism Test
Based on the scientific research of Katie E. Cherry, Ph.D. and Erdman Palmore, Ph.D., this test will determine your degree of ageism.

Cipolla Test
The Italian economist Carlo Cipolla believed it was possible to explain human temperament using economic logic. This test will pinpoint your temperament.

Gilmore Guys Test
The Gilmore Guys Test will determine which of the male characters from Gilmore Girls you are the most romantically compatible with.

Based on the work of researchers Neduva, Kanevsky and Lerner, the Political Correctness Personality Pattern Test will determine your attitude toward political correctness, based on your personality.

Enneagram Test
Enneagram tests are often criticized for focusing too much on the positive. The Negative Enneagram Test will show you your Enneagram dark side.

Relationship Test
Based on the work of Dr. Mark Travers, this test will measure your perception of the basis of your relationship in 6 minutes or less.

Dog Test
This test assesses which dog breed you align with the most.

Series Test
Based on the work of sociologist Clayton Childress and colleagues at Duke University, the TV Series Test will measure your presumed social status based on your taste in series.

Romance Test
Inspired by the research of psychologist Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D., the Romance Test will determine whether you can be part of a good relationship.

C-N-W Test
The Chud-Normie-Woke Dial is a satirical tool used to categorize people’s reactions to political or cultural shifts in media. Are you Chud, Normie, or Woke?

Food Test
This Food Addiction Test, based on research from Yale University, will determine whether you fulfill the criteria for food dependency.

Envy Test
Based on the work of Dr. Jan Crusius, Ph.D., this malicious envy test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Elemental Test
The Elemental Personality Test is a light-hearted and “just for fun” test that has proven popular on the internet.

Relationship Test
Bassed on the work of Blaine Fowers, Ph.D., The Relationship Quality Test is an instrument intended to analyze an individual’s relationship across 4 different domains.

Coping Test
Inspired by the work of Dr. Jeffrey Young, the Coping Modes Test explores emotional states and coping strategies originating from early life experiences.

Men/Women Test
This Implicit Association Test, developed using theory from Harvard University, will determine if you have a bias in favor of women or men.

Depression Test
Based on the work of Leonardo Tozzi and colleagues at Stanford University, the Depression Type Test will measure what type of depression you may be struggling with.

Death Note Test
The Death Note Test will determine which of eight Death Note characters you resemble the most.

Compassion Test
Based on the work of Dr. Kristin Neff, the Self-Compassion Test analyzes a person’s degree of self-compassion across 6 different domains.

Big Five Test
This test will measure your personality on the scientific Big Five Test, using a dichotomous approach and the popular axial system.

Word IQ Test
IQ tests for different abilities, verbal ability being one of them. This vocabulary test will determine the verbal ability subset of your IQ.

Workplace Test
Based on the standards of Mental Health America (MHA), this test will determine whether your workplace is toxic or wholesome. It can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Hypomanic Test
The Hypomanic Spectrum Test combines several other measures into a single instrument intended to analyze hypomanic symptoms across 8 different domains.

Loneliness Test
Based on the work of Dr. Daniel Russell, this test will measure your levels of loneliness in 3 minutes or less while retaining good validity.

The ASRS-Wender ADHD Test fuses two famous and well-validated ADHD measures together to indicate whether you have ADHD.

Open DISC Test
The DISC one of the most widely used tests in organizational psychology. The Open DISC Test was created as an alternative to the classic DISC Test.

Feminism Test
People often say that "feminism just means equal rights," but in reality there are many definitions of feminism. This test measures what type of feminist you are, using three scales.

President Test
Based on the research of Dr. John M. Berecz, Ph.D., this test will match your personality with one of seven U.S. Presidents.

Gay Type Test
Based on the work of sociologist Richard Hauser’s 1962 study, the Gay Type test will determine what kind of pre-liberation male homosexual you would be.

Popularity Test
The Popular Person Test will determine whether you have the personal qualities that are likely to make you socially popular.

Disgust Test
An expanded version of Dr. Bunmi O. Olatunji’s 3 Disgusts Test, the 4 Disgusts Test analyzes disgust sensitivity traits across four domains.

X-Men Test
The X-Men test is an unscientific, “just for fun” test to match your personality with one of seven characters from this popular franchise.

Generation Test
The True Generations Test will determine whether you are mentally a Boomer, Zoomer, Gen X, or Millennial.

Morality Test
Based on polling data from Cato Institute and YouGov, this test will measure your moral foundations on the basis of real-world political issues.

Negativistic Test
The Negativistic Personality Test is an instrument that analyzes negativistic personality features across eight different domains.

Relationship Test
Based on the work of Dr. Rachel Goldman, the Relationship Red Flag Test will measure whether your relationship shows indicators of problems or challenges.

Depression Test
Based on the Male Depression Risk Test (MDRT), this test will give an indication of your possible male depression risk elements.

Hoarding Test
This Hoarding Disorder Test, based on the work of Dr. David F. Tolin, Ph.D., can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Guardians Test
The Guardians of the Galaxy Test is an unscientific, “just for fun” test to match your personality with one of six characters from this popular franchise.

Male Role Test
Based on the research of Dr. Ronald Levant, the Male Stereotypes Test measures whether someone has a stereotypical view of men.

EQ Test
The RULER EQ Test uses professionally crafted items to determine your proficiency across five domains of emotional intelligence.

Cravings Test
Based on the work of Dr. David Garner, this test will measure your level of late-night cravings in 3 minutes or less while retaining good validity.

Agreeable Test
Based on the work of Dr. Robert McCrae, Ph.D., this test will measure your levels of Trait Agreeableness in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Authority Test
Based on the scientific survey developed by R. Altemeyer, and further improved by Conway, Houck, and associates, this test will determine whether you are an authoritarian.

Morality Test
The 6 Foundations Test is a popular, community-developed test that seeks to decipher a person's political orientation based on their moral foundations.

Science Test
People often appeal to science as if it were one thing, but according to Nobel Laureate Wolfgang Pauli, science is split between two conceptions of it. This test will determine yours.

Control Test
Based on the Self-Control Scale authored by Tangney and colleagues, the Self-Control Test assesses self-control related to various areas of personality.

President Test
Based on data from YouGov and the scientific Moral Foundations Theory, this test will determine whether you are more likely to support Harris or Trump.

Collectivism Test
Nazism and fascism are usually believed to be on the right whereas communism and socialism are thought to be on the left. But how different are these ideologies really?

Based on the work of psychologists Henry and Sears and data from the ANES studies, the Symbolic Racism test will predict which factions in society you feel warmth towards.

Misandry Test
Inspired by the work of researchers Rottweiler and Gill in 2021 at University College London, the Misandry Test measures your view of men.

Gender Test
Based on peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals, the Gender Cognition Test will determine your gender based on the way you speak and think.

Alienation Test
The Alienation Test measures whether you experience negative symptoms as a consequence of feeling isolated or disconnected from society.

Community Test
Based on the scientific work of Matt Motyl, Ph.D., J.P. Prims, Ph.D., and Ravi Iyer, Ph.D., this test aims to guess your political leanings based on your taste in neighborhoods.

Spiders Test
Fear of Spiders Test, based on the academic Fear of Spiders Questionnaire (FSQ) by Szymanski and O'Donohue.

Wealth Test
Based on a national survey from the Cato Institute, this test aims to guess your political leanings based on your conception of wealth and work.

Big Bang Test
The Big Bang Theory Test will determine which of seven Big Bang Theory characters you resemble the most.

Anger Test
Based on the work of Dr. William E. Snell, Ph.D., the Clinical Anger Test combines several other measures into a single instrument to analyze anger symptoms.

Autism Test
Based on the Camouflaged Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q), this test will give an indication of your camouflaged autistic traits.

Sexism Test
Based on the work of Janet Spence and associates, this test determines levels of overt and covert prejudice toward women.

Gullibility Test
Based on research from Macquarie University, the Gullible Person Test assesses personality traits related to gullibility across six different factors.

Meaning Test
Based on the Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale, the Existential Meaning Test assesses reflections on meaning related to personal beliefs across six different domains.

Simping Test
A “simp” is someone who excessively dotes on a romantic interest without receiving equivalent attention in return. This test will evaluate your simping behavior.

Grief Test
Based on the work of Dr. Holly Prigerson, Ph.D., this Complicated Grief Disorder Test can be taken in 3 minutes while retaining good validity.

Aggression Test
Based on the work of Dr. Christian G. Schanz, the Passive Aggression Test assesses covertly sabotaging behaviors across two different domains.

Qualities Test
Based on research by Drs. Joyce and Robert Hogan, the Personal Qualities will evaluate your personality in relation to business and employment.

Charisma Test
Based on the research of Dr. M.S. Rao, the Charisma Type Test measures the means by which you project compelling charm or a magnetic personality.

Magic Test
The Magic Color Test will determine which Magic: The Gathering color resonates with you the most.

Self-Esteem Test
Inspired by the Collective Self-Esteem Scale (CSES), the Social Self-Esteem Test assesses personality traits related to collective self-esteem across four different domains.

Neo-Sexism Test
The Neo-Sexism Test combines several measures of sexism into a single instrument intended to analyze modern sexism across 6 different domains.

“Pilled” Test
The "pilled" slang refers to adopting specific beliefs after exposure to persuasive information. This test will determine what kind of “pilled” you are.

Egocentric Test
Based on the work of Professor Aaron Beck, the Egocentrism Test assesses characteristics associated with selfish tendencies.

Liberalism Test
Based on the work of Dr. Robert McCrae, Ph.D., this test will measure your levels of Trait Liberalism in 3 minutes or less while retaining good validity.

Strengths Test
Based on classic research in psychology, the Strengths Mapper Test will measure your strengths.

Welfare Test
The neurobiology researcher Adam Perkins has found that many welfare claimants are characterized by certain traits. This test will determine if you have those traits.

Faith Bias Test
This Implicit Association Test, developed using theory from Harvard University, will determine if you have a bias in favor of Christianity or Islam.

Love Test
Based on the work of counselors Mellody, Miller, and Miller, The Love Addiction Test will determine whether you have problems with dysfunctional love addiction.

Workplace Test
The full version of the Toxic Workplace Test, based on the standards of Mental Health America (MHA).

Impression Test
Based on the work of researchers Bolino and Turnley, the Impression Management Test analyzes the way you come across to others in 5 different domains.

EQ Test
The Emotional Intelligence Test measures a person’s emotional functioning across 5 different domains.

Life Stage Test
Based on the work of famed psychologist Erik Erikson, the Life Stage Test assesses personality features associated with psychosocial development.

Avatar Test
The Avatar Test will determine which of seven Avatar characters you resemble the most.

Misogyny Test
Based on the work of researchers Rottweiler and Gill in 2021 at University College London, the Misogyny Test measures your view of women.

Alt Five Test
Based on the work of Dr. Marvin Zuckerman, the Alternative Five Model of Personality Test measures your personality across 5 different domains.

Multiphasic Test
Based on research from the University of Minnesota, this test uses the famous Multiphasic Scales to give you a description of the pathological side of your personality.

Eating Test
Based on the work of Dr. Kristin Bohn and Dr. Christopher Fairburn, the Eating Disorders Test measures impairment related to eating disorders.

Gaslighting Test
The Gaslighting Victim Test will determine whether you are being manipulated to doubt yourself and your perception of reality.

Disgust Test
Based on the work of Dr. Bunmi O. Olatunji, Ph.D., the 3 Domains of Disgust Test measures your sensitivity to sexual, moral, and pathogen disgust.

Clean Girl Test
The Clean Girl Test will measure whether your style is compatible with the Clean Girl fashion trend.

Bias Test
Left-wingers and right-wingers mutually accuse each other of being biased, but in reality, both parties have their own political biases. This test will determine yours.

Cognitive Test
Based on the Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale, the Cognitive Distortions Test assesses cognitive misinterpretations and errors.

Touch Test
Based on the work of Dr. Robert E. Oum, Ph.D., at the University of Miami, the Touch Disgust Test measures elevated responses to touching various objects.

Money Test
Based on the work of Ken Honda, this test will determine your Money Personality Type.

Femcel Test
Based on peer-reviewed research from the University of Alabama, the Femcel Test evaluates elements and beliefs consistent with being a femcel.

Zodiac Test
Zodiac descriptions are often criticized for focusing too much on the positive. The Negative Zodiac Test will show you your astrological dark side.

Codependent Test
Based on the Friel Co-Dependency Assessment Inventory, the Co-Dependency test will determine whether you enmesh yourself with powerful others.

Gods Test
The Roman Gods Test will determine which of seven Roman gods you resemble the most.

Relationship Test
Based on classic research in psychology, the Healthy Relationship Test will measure how your relationship reflects the elements of a healthy connection.

Cockroaches Test
Fear of Cockroaches Test, based on a scientific questionnaire by researchers Jeff Szymanski and William O' Donohue.

WIL Test
Based on a large poll by the PEW Research Center, the Women in Leadership test will compare your views on female leaders with those of the general population.

Body Test
Based on research in psychology, the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Test will indicate whether you are showing signs of this condition.

Immature Test
A composite of numerous psychological instruments, the Immature Adult Test assesses maturity related to personality and life mastery across eleven different domains.

Dark Triad Test
Inspired by numerous psychological scales, the Dark Triad Magnet test assesses your vulnerability to being manipulated by Dark Triad personalities.

Shame Test
Based on research from Bar Ilan University, the Multidimensional Shame Test measures feelings of personal inadequacy on six dimensions.

House Test
The Hogwarts/Ilvermorny Test is a composite test that assesses allegiance to each of the eight houses from these schools of magic in the Harry Potter universe.

Season Test
Based on the work of the Greek philosopher Hippocrates, the Spring Summer Autumn Winter Test will determine your temperament.

Cognition Test
Inspired by the Cognitive Style Index (CSI), the Analytical-Intuitive Cognition Test assesses cognitive domains related to cognitive styles.

Positive Test
Based on the work of Dr. Michelle Shiota, the Positive Emotions Test measures your tendency to feel a range of encouraging emotions.

Dissociation Test
Based on the Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation, developed at the University of New England, this test measures your degree of dissociative symptoms.

Phobia Test
Based on the Social Phobia Scale (SPS), this test will give an indication of your possible social phobia elements.

Dilemmas Test
The Dark Triad Dilemmas Test will measure your Dark Triad traits on the basis of how you respond to quandaries.

Socialism Test
The left-wing politician Sahra Wagenknecht has caused a stir by pitching traditional socialists against what she calls lifestyle socialists. Which one are you?

Basterds Test
The Inglourious Basterds test is an unscientific and "just for fun" test that will match your personality with one of seven characters from the film “Inglourious Basterds.”

Gods Test
The Egyptian Gods Test will determine which of seven Egyptian gods you resemble the most.

Turtles Test
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Test will determine which of seven Ninja Turtles characters you resemble the most.

Primadonna Test
The Primadonna Test is a communally-developed test that seeks to determine whether you have an outsized ego and personality.

Cluster B Test
This test assesses personal features associated with stereotypical Cluster B personality structure behaviors.

Emperor Test
This test assesses which of seven Roman emperors you resemble the most.

Family Test
The Modern Family Test measures which of seven characters from the show you resemble the most.

Bipolar Test
Based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the Bipolar I Disorder Test will measure whether you show signs of this condition.

Biden/Trump Test
This Implicit Association Test, developed using theory from Harvard University, will determine if you have a bias in favor of Biden or Trump.

Taboo Test
Based on a scientific study by Cory J. Clark from the University of Pennsylvania, the Taboo Beliefs Test will measure your forbidden beliefs.

Animal Test
The Animal Self Test is a fun and lighthearted quiz that uses your personality traits to reveal which animal you are like.

GTA Test
Inspired by psychometric methodology and the universe of the Grand Theft Auto game series, the GTA Test compares your personality to that of GTA protagonists.

Entitlement Test
Based on the Multidimensional Entitlement Scale, the Entitlement Test assesses personality traits related to entitlement across six different domains.

Bubble Test
Based on the work of Charles Murray, Ph.D., the Social Bubble Test will determine if you are part of America’s new upper class.

Emotional Test
Based on the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), this test will give an indication of your possible emotion regulation difficulties.

Passion Test
Based on the work of doctors Elaine Hatfield and Susan Sprecher, the Passionate Love Test will determine whether you love passionately.

League Test
The Justice League Test is an unscientific, “just for fun” test to match your personality with one of seven characters from this popular franchise.

Checklist Test
The Global Checklist Test will determine whether you have problems with specific symptom domains.

RWA Test
Based on the scientific survey developed by Dr. R.A. Altemeyer, Ph.D., this test will determine whether you are a right-wing authoritarian.

Status Test
Based on the work of David Buss and colleagues at the University of Texas at Austin, the Social Status Test will determine your social status based on evolutionary factors.

Parenting Test
The Parenting Matrix Test assesses behavioral traits to determine which of four common parenting styles you most likely use with your child.

Movie Test
Using data from the movie website IMDb, the Gender Movie Taste Test will determine your gender based on your taste in movies.

Learning Test
The Quick Learning Styles Test will allow you to determine whether you are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic in your learning style.

Power Test
The Superpower Test is an engaging quiz that matches your personality to a unique superpower, revealing the hidden strength that best represents you.

Mindfulness Test
This scientifically validated test, based on the work of Dr. Ruth Baer, will determine to what degree you are mindful and self-aware.

Outlook Test
According to the journalist George Packer Americans are split between four ideas of what their nation’s purpose is like. Which American outlook do you have?

Stalling Test
Based on the research of Murray Stainton and colleagues, the Procrastination Test will determine whether you have a tendency to postpone your tasks.

Policy Test
The Policy Plotter is a short and contemporary Political Coordinates-style test that will allow you to obtain your scores on the two major political scales found in Western democracies.

R and M Test
The Rick and Morty Test will determine which of seven Rick and Morty characters you resemble the most.

HSP Test
Based on the work of psychologist Elaine Aron, the Multidimensional HSP Test will determine whether you are a highly sensitive person (HSP).

Mobile Test
Based on the work of researchers Yildirim and Correia, the Nomophobia Test will determine whether you have a fear of being without your phone.

Work Ethic Test
Based on the work of Dr. Herbert Mirels, Ph.D. and Dr. James Garret, Ph.D., this test will determine your level of Protestant Work Ethic.

Mindsets Test
Drawing on insights from corporate psychology, the 6 Mindsets test will determine if you have the 6 Mindsets necessary for success.

Gods Test
The Norse Gods Test will determine which of seven Norse gods you resemble the most.

Mental Load Test
The mental load describes the often invisible work of worrying and organizing that often befalls women in relationships. What is your mental load like?

Depression Test
Based on research from Stanford University, the Geriatric Depression Scale Test (GDS) will give an indication of your depression as an older adult.

EvoPsych Test
Based on the work of professor of psychology David M. Buss, the Evolutionary Psychology test measures your attitude toward the evolutionary approach to psychology.

Magic Test
The Winds of Magic Test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test to determine which wind of magic from the Warhammer universe you channel the most.

Feminist Test
This version of the famous Feminist Perspectives test is the historical (non-updated) version of the instrument that Nancy Henley, Ph.D. devised in 1998.

Parenting Test
Based on the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ), the Parenting Style Test assesses what kind of parent you are.

Narcissism Test
Based on research from Heidelberg University, the Communal Narcissism Test evaluates whether you have tendencies toward communal narcissism.

Nightmare Test
Based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the Nightmare Disorder Test will measure your signs and symptoms of this disorder.

Anxiety Test
Based on the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS), this test will give an indication of your math anxiety.

Parenting Test
Based on the work of psychologist Dr. Lindsay C. Gibson, the Immature Parent Test will determine whether you were exposed to immature parenting.

Corona Test
This Coronavirus Science Knowledge Test, developed by scientists at the University of Chicago, will determine how much you know about the new disease.

Dune Test
The Dune Test is a “just for fun” test to determine which major character from the Dune franchise you most closely resemble.

Dosha Test
The Dosha Test is an instrument intended to find your body type, as determined from Ayurvedic literature.

Partner Test
Based on classic research in psychology, the Long-Term Partner Test will measure whether someone has the traits of a good long-term partner.

Music Test
Based on research from Cambridge University, the Systemizing-Empathizing music type test will predict what types of music you like.

Gratitude Test
Based on the work of Dr. Phillip Watkins, Ph.D., the Gratitude Test analyzes characteristics of thankfulness across 4 different domains.

Mindset Test
Based on the work of Dr. Christian Busch, Ph.D., the Serendipity Mindset Test measures your ability to create and amplify your own luck.

LWA Test
Based on the scientific survey developed by L.G. Conway, Ph.D. and S. Houck, Ph.D., this test will determine whether you are a left-wing authoritarian.

Saul Test
The Better Call Saul Test will determine which of seven Better Call Saul characters you resemble the most.

Associative Test
Based on the work of Z. Koroleva, the Relationship Appetite Test will determine what you yearn for in relationships.

Global Test
Based on the work of researchers Reysen, Larey, and Katzarska-Miller, the Global Citizen Test will determine how connected you feel to humanity.

Dependent Test
Based on the work of Nicole M. Huber, the Dependent Personality Test will measure whether you are shy and overly reliant on others.

Chaos Gods Test
The Chaos Gods Test will determine which of the Chaos Gods from the Warhammer universe align with your personality and views.

Learning Test
Based on the work of Dr. Rita Dunn, the Learning Profile Test expands on the classical framework of Learning Styles by including a fourth style and the concept of learning orientation.

Money Test
This scientifically validated test, based on the work of Dr. Adrian Furnham, will determine your attitudes about money on five distinct scales.

Greek God Test
This "just for fun" quiz determines which of the twelve Olympian gods from Greek mythology you most resemble.

Ignorance Test
Inspired by the Need for Cognition scale (NfC), the Ignorant Adult test measures your need for cognition or ignorance.

Needs Test
The Maslowian Needs Test is designed to help individuals assess their fulfillment across the five levels of Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Climate Test
Peer-reviewed research has found that even climate scientists differ on the issue of climate change. This test will place your views on climate change in the midst of the discussion.

DSM Style Test
Based on research by Dr. Theodore Millon, Ph.D., the 5-Minute Personality Style Test will give an indication of your approach to the world.

Climate Test
The American Psychological Association has identified climate anxiety as a new type of mental health phenomenon. This test measures your level of climate anxiety.

Burnout Test
The Gen Z Burnout Test measures how much typical Gen Z pressures are impacting your mental and emotional well-being.

Willpower Test
The Willpower Test measures your ability to persist to success using four statistical subscales.

Values Test
Yale researcher Dan Kahan has found a group of Americans who are different from everyone else – are you a hierarchical individualist?

Political Test
The Nature vs. Nurture Political Test measures your placement on blank slatism vs. hereditarianism and free markets vs. mixed economy.

Lotus Test
The White Lotus Test measures which of seven characters from the show White Lotus, season-one, you resemble the most.

Bubbles Test
Based on the work of illustrious psychologist Dr. Theodore Millon, the Personality Bubbles Test will determine your inner psychological structure.

Pokémon Test
The Pokémon Test is a “just for fun” test to determine which character from the Pokémon universe you most closely resemble.

Values Test
Based on the work of the Human Sciences Research Council, the Values Scale Test analyzes a person’s work values across 22 different scales.

Pet/Drink Test
Based on peer-reviewed research, the Cat/Dog, Coffee/Tea Test will determine your preference for pets and drinks.

Snakes Test
Fear of Snakes Test, based on a scientific questionnaire by researchers Jeff Szymanski and William O'Donohue.

Privilege Test
Based on the work of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Peggy McIntosh, the White Privilege Test analyzes special treatment in relation to skin color.

Abundance Test
The Abundance Mindset Test is an instrument intended to analyze whether you embody positive beliefs that will lead to success.

Bipolar Test
Based on research in psychology, the Bipolar II Disorder Test will measure whether you manifest signs or symptoms of this disorder.

Sex Ed. Test
The Sex Education Test measures which of seven characters from the popular TV show you resemble the most.

Rapper Test
The rapper test will determine which of eight famous rap musicians you resemble the most.

Loneliness Test
Based on the classical and time-honored research from UCLA, the Loneliness Test will determine whether you struggle with solitude.

Romance Test
The Romance Test will measure your tendency to be romantic in relationships.

Psychosis Test
Based on research from the University of Toronto, the Psychosis Continuum Test measures characteristics associated with psychotic experiences and beliefs.

Christian Test
The Anti-Christian Prejudice Test measures the prevalence of anti-Christian sentiment.

Autism Test
Based on the work of Dr. Eric Schopler, this test will measure your child’s symptoms in 3 minutes or less while retaining good validity.

Life Speed Test
Based on research from the University of Arizona, the Pace of Life Test assesses personality and functioning related to life history strategy across eight different domains.

G&G Test
The Ginny & Georgia Test measures which of seven characters from the show you resemble the most.

Based on the work of Dr. Kara McGoey, this test will measure your child’s symptoms in 3 minutes or less while retaining good validity.

Anxiety Test
Based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, the Separation Anxiety Test will measure whether you show signs of this condition.

Narcissism Test
Based on the Narcissistic Tendencies and Traits Inventory (NTTI), the Narcissistic Tendencies Test assesses characteristics associated with narcissism.

I.O. Test
The Inside Out Test will determine which of five Inside Out characters you resemble the most.

Male Stress Test
Based on Eisler and Skidmore’s Masculine Gender Role Stress Scale, the Male Role Stress Test will determine whether you are stressed by gender expectations.

Win-Win Test
The Win-Win Mindset Test measures whether you have a frame of mind and heart that seeks mutual benefit for those involved in interactions with you.

Aphantasia Test
Based on the Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire (VVIQ), the Aphantasia Test will measure whether you show signs of this condition.

Psychology Test
Based on the Mental Health Literacy Scale (MHLS), this test will give an indication of the extent of your knowledge on mental health issues.

Thinkers Test
The Modern Philosophers Test will determine which of seven Modern Philosophers you resemble the most.

Housewives Test
The Desperate Housewives Test will determine which of seven Desperate Housewives characters you resemble the most.

Pokémon Test
The Pokémon Energy Test will determine which of the nine energies from the popular franchise resonates with you the most.

Honor Test
Based on the work of Henry N. Lopez at Iowa State University, the Honor Culture Test will determine which U.S. state you belong in.

Sopranos Test
Inspired by psychometric methodology and the universe of The Sopranos TV show, the Sopranos quiz evaluates personal features related to Sopranos characters.

Demisexual Test
Demisexuality is the tendency to experience sexual attraction only after forming a strong emotional connection with someone. Are you demisexual?

Philosophy Test
Knowledge of ancient philosophy was once considered the hallmark of a Western gentleman and scholar. This test will determine the extent of your knowledge of ancient philosophy.

Love Test
Based on the work of Dr. Gary W. Lewandowski Jr., the Lasting Love Test will measure your prerequisites for lasting love.

Dissociation Test
Based on the Multidimensional Dissociation Test (MID), this test will give an indication of your possible dissociation risk elements.

SpongeBob Test
The SpongeBob Test will determine which of six SpongeBob characters you resemble the most.

Star Trek Test
The Star Trek Test is an unscientific and “just for fun” personality assessment that will determine which of seven characters from The Original Series you resemble the most.

Liberalism Test
The left-liberalism test will determine the extent to which you agree with left-liberal sensibilities, political agendas, and beliefs.

Watchmen Test
The Watchmen Test is an unscientific and “just for fun” test to determine which of seven characters from the Watchmen franchise you resemble the most.

Anatomy Test
The Grey's Anatomy Test measures which of seven characters from the popular TV show you resemble the most.

Stranger Test
The Stranger Things Test will determine which of seven Stranger Things characters you resemble the most.

Christmas Test
Based on the book of J. James and J. Moore, the Christmas Type Test determines what type of Christmas celebrant you are.

Magic Test
The Magical Artifact Test is a fun and lighthearted quiz that uses your personality traits to reveal which unique magical item you should wield.

Nature Test
Based on the work of Dr. Cynthia Frantz, the Connectedness to Nature Test will determine whether you feel a sense of belonging to the natural world.

Self-Other Test
The Ego-Other Worldview Matrix evaluates your personal features to assess your self-estimation and other-perceptions in interpersonal relationships.

Democracy Test
Political scientists like Francis Fukuyama have developed checklists to measure a country’s government. This test will allow you to rate the world’s governments.

Primarch Test
The Space Marine Primarch Test is a "just for fun" test to determine which Primarch from Warhammer 40k you most closely resemble.

Design Test
Human Design is a unique and comprehensive system that combines elements from various spiritual, astrological, and scientific disciplines.

Synesthesia Test
The Grapheme-Color Synesthesia Test will determine whether you have this form of synesthesia.

Celebrity Test
Based on the Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS), this test will give an indication of your potentially problematic celebrity attitudes.

Career Test
Based on a study mapping 263 occupations from Tartu University, the Big Five Career Test will determine where you fit in the job market.

Biosocial Test
Based on Dr. Theodore Millon’s Biosocial Model, the Biosocial Test will determine your evolutionary polarities and adaptations.

Anxiety Test
Based on the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS), this test will give an indication of your possible social interaction anxiety elements.

EQ Test
Based on pioneering original research, the Emotional Intelligence Discrepancy Matrix Test will determine whether you see your own EQ accurately.

Potter Test
The Harry Potter knowledge test will determine how much you know about Harry Potter.

Near-Death Test
Based on the work of Dr. Bruce Greyson, the Near-Death Experience Test will measure whether you have experienced typical symptoms associated with coming close to death.

WW2 Test
The World War II knowledge test will determine how much you know about the Second World War.

Buddhism Test
Buddhism has been called "the most philosophical religion" and "the hardest religion to understand." This test will determine the extent of your knowledge of Buddhism.

Left-liberal Test
The left-liberal Levels Test will determine the extent to which you agree with left-liberal sensibilities, political agendas, and beliefs across 6 different domains.

Psychologist Test
The Foundational Psychologists Test will determine which of seven famous psychologists you resemble the most.

Well-Being Test
Based on the philosophy of the Dalai Lama, this test assesses your overall well-being according to five facets postulated by the Dalai Lama.

Attitude Test
Based on the work of seminal psychologist H.J. Eysenck, the Social Attitude Test will measure your social outlook.

Autism Test
Based on the work of Catherine Lord and colleagues, this test will measure autism indicators in your child.

Regent Test
The English Regent Test will determine which of the 8 most famous Kings and Queens of England you resemble the most.

Fighting Test
Based on the work of psychologist Loren Geoffrey Soeiro, the Fighting Style Test will measure how you carry yourself in a conflict.

Food Test
The Plant-Meat/Health-Junk Test is a “just for fun” test that maps how you like to eat.

Functions Test
The Cognitive Functions Test will determine the frequency with which you engage with each of the eight Jungian cognitive functions.

Politics Test
The Roman Politics Test is a Political Coordinates style test that will determine what your politics would have been in the Roman Empire.

Shrek Test
The Shrek Test will determine which of seven Shrek characters you resemble the most.

Avoidance Test
Based on the Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (BEAQ), this test will give an indication of your experiential avoidance elements.

Gamer Test
The Gamer Type Test will determine which type of gamer you are.

Career Test
Based on the research of Dr. Karen Taylor and Dr. Nancy Betz, the Career Decision-Making Test will measure someone’s capability to make sound career decisions.

Typology Test
Many people claim to be experts on Jung's theory of personality while having only a meager and superficial grasp of the system. This test will determine the extent of your knowledge of Jungian typology.

Aromantic Test
Based on concepts developed by the LGBTQIA+ community, the Aromantic Spectrum Test will give you an indication of your possible aromantic identity.

Job Test
Based on research from the University of Toronto, the Job Quality Test is designed to assess the quality of your employment.

Compulsive Test
Based on the Obsessive Compulsive Test (OCT), this test will give an indication of your possible obsessive-compulsive elements.

Bitcoin Test
Tobias Huber at the ETH University of Zurich has observed that there are many aspects of Bitcoin that can be likened to a religion. Are you a Bitcoinian?

Feminine Test
Based on the work of the Austrian psychotherapist Alfred Adler, the Feminine Revolt Test measures whether you revolt against classic feminine roles on account of societal injustices.

Forgiveness Test
Based on the work of researchers Hargrave and Sells, the Forgiveness Scale Test measures your readiness to forgive past slights.

Political Test
Based on the work of seminal psychologist H.J. Eysenck, the Political Attitude Test will measure your political dispositions.

Dinosaur Test
The Dinosaur Test is a fun and lighthearted quiz that uses your personality traits to reveal which dinosaur you are like.

University Test
Social psychologists Cory Clark and Bo Winegard contend that men and women are divided on the role universities should play in society. What is your vision like?

The Zuckerman-Kuhlman Test is a brief test measuring five biologically-based personality traits across cultures.

Misogyny Test
Discover how hidden biases shape your view of women with this 25-question, research-based test.

Existential Test
The Existential Compass Matrix evaluates your personal features to assess the interplay between existential resilience and anxiety.

Masculinity Test
Based on archetypes from Jungian analysis, the Toxic Masculinity Type Test will determine which of four toxic archetypes you resemble.

Alexithymia Test
Based on the scientific Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire, this test assesses characteristics related to alexithymia and emotional awareness.

Trumpism Test
The Trumpism Test is designed to assess how closely your views align with the "America First" principles central to Donald Trump’s political ideology.

Goddess Test
Based on the doctoral thesis of Peggy A. Hudson and the writings of Jean Shinoda Bolen, the goddess test will determine which goddess you manifest.

Author Test
Based on the distinctions between intuitive and methodical writers; plotters and pantsers, the Author Type Test will determine what kind of author you are.

Warhammer Test
The Warhammer 40k Factions Test will determine which of the eight main races in the setting you resemble the most.

Self Test
Based on the Negative Self-portrayal Scale (NSPS), this test will give an indication of your possible negative self-portrayal elements.

Politics Test
Based on the work of researcher Sebastian Jensen, the Political Instincts Test will measure what ideology you align with.

Cognitive Test
This test evaluates characteristics associated with cognitive functioning, spanning seven common layers of cognitive functioning in human beings.

Feminism Test
Throughout the history of feminism, there have been multiple waves. Which wave of feminism would you belong to?

Cheating Test
Based on research in psychology, the Relationship Cheating Test will screen for possible signs of infidelity in your relationship.

Somatotype Test
Based on the work of the American psychologist William H. Sheldon, this test measures psychological characteristics associated with your physique.

Downton Test
The Ladies of Downton Test is a “just for fun” test to determine which major character from the Downton Abbey franchise you most closely resemble.

Stoic Test
The ancient philosophy of Stoicism is making a comeback as a modern-day tool for self-mastery and a replacement for religious frameworks. Are you a Stoic?

Primarch Test
The Chaos Space Marine Primarch Test is a "just for fun" test to determine which Chaos Primarch from Warhammer 40k you most closely resemble.

The ‘Never Have I Ever’ Test measures which of seven characters from the popular TV show you resemble the most.

Big Five Test
The IPIP-NEO-30 Big Five Test is an abbreviated version of the scientifically validated and internationally respected IPIP-NEO-120 Big Five Test.

Schema Test
Based on research by Dr. Jeffrey Young, Ph.D., the Dysfunctional Schema Test will identify your early maladaptive patterns.

Borderline Test
The BPI is a borderline test rooted in the work of renowned psychiatrist Otto Kernberg, designed to assess traits associated with this condition.

Alien Test
The Alien Visitors Test is an unscientific test that matches your personality to one of the numerous reported alien civilizations out there.

Detective Test
The True Detective Test will determine which of eight True Detective characters you resemble the most.

Motivation Test
Based on the work of the Austrian medical doctor and psychotherapist Alfred Adler, the Motivation Test assesses your personal lifestyle dynamics and profile.

Relationship Test
Based on the work of Dr. Roxy Zarrabi, the Relationship Overfunctioning Test will determine whether you are struggling with overfunctioning in your relationship.

Shame Test
Based on research from Rutgers University, the Shame Test measures your tendency to experience feelings of personal inadequacy on six dimensions.

GFP Test
Based on the scientific GFPQ questionnaire, the General Factor of Personality measures whether you have an adaptable and socially desirable personality.

Anna Test
The Inventing Anna Test measures whether you are like Anna Delvey from the streaming series Inventing Anna.

Creature Test
This "just for fun" quiz reveals which of 12 iconic fantasy creatures you most resemble.

Burnout Test
Based on the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) this test will give an indication of your possible risk of burnout.

Heresy Test
The Heresy Meter Test will determine the extent of your heretical beliefs as if you were a subject of the Imperium in the Warhammer 40k universe.

Tormentors Test
Based on the mystical Ancient Greek text, the Corpus Hermeticum, the Inner Tormentors Test measures the 12 factors holding the soul back from enlightenment.

Stalling Test
Based on the research of Dr. Fuschia M. Sirois and colleagues at Durham University, the Procrastination Type Test evaluates different forms of procrastination.

Fatigue Test
Based on the work of Helen Michielsen at Tilburg University, the Fatigue Test evaluates the severity and impact of fatigue on various aspects of daily life.

E/I Test
Based on personality psychology concepts, this test reveals your place on the introvert-extrovert spectrum.

Dreaming Test
The Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS-16) is a psychometric tool designed to measure the severity and impact of maladaptive daydreaming on daily life.

Physicist Test
This test assesses which of seven famous physicists you resemble the most.

Coffee Test
Based on research in coffee consumption, Coffee Traits Test will predict what kind of coffee you like based on your personality.

Imperium Test
In Warhammer 40k, the Imperium is a huge galaxy-spanning empire, and its forces are divided into numerous subfactions. Which faction do you serve?

Pop Singer Test
The Pop Princess Test will determine which of seven divas you resemble the most.

Impulsive Test
Based on the UPPS-P Scale from Purdue University, the Impulsivity Test measures problematic tendencies toward impulsive behavior.

Situation Test
The Situationship Test will determine whether you are in an ambiguous, undefined relationship.

Seinfeld Test
The Seinfeld Test will determine which of six characters from the TV show you resemble the most.

Star Wars Test
The Star Wars knowledge test will determine how much you know about Star Wars.

Schizotypal Test
Based on the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ), this test will give an indication of your possible schizotypal elements.

Atlantis Test
The Atlantis Adventure is a brief visual journey that will give a glimpse of your temperament.

PiCD Test
The Personality Inventory for ICD-11 (PiCD) Test assesses five maladaptive personality trait domains outlined by the WHO.

Dragon Test
The House of the Dragon Test will determine which of seven House of the Dragon characters you resemble the most.

Pusheen Test
The Pusheen Test is a “just for fun” test to determine which character from the Pusheen universe you most closely resemble.

Vivek Test
Vivek Ramaswamy is an American presidential candidate who has managed to both fascinate and offend with his controversial opinions. Do you agree with Vivek?

Ken Test
The Ken Test will determine which side of Ken from the Barbie movie resonates with you the most.

Unicorn Test
Based on interviews with over 30,000 employees, the Employee Unicorn Test will determine whether you share traits with highly valuable workers.

P. Break Test
The Prison Break Test will determine which of seven Prison Break characters you resemble the most.

Conservative Test
Based on the work of Jim A.C. Everett at the University of Oxford, the Social and Economic Conservatism Scale (SECS) will determine whether you are conservative.

Roman Test
The Roman history quiz will determine how much you know about Roman history.

AstroMe Test
The AstroMe Test is a light-hearted and “just for fun” test that has proven popular on the internet.

Sneaky Test
Inspired by evolutionary biology and mating strategies research, the Sneaky Mater Test evaluates personality features associated with the tactical ploy known as “sneaky mater strategy.”

Animal Test
The Animal Farm Test will determine which of seven Animal Farm characters you resemble the most.

S/E Test
Based on research from Cambridge University, the Systemizing-Empathizing Test will give an indication of your brain type.

Sociality Test
The Socially Positive Person Test measures qualities that contribute to positive social interactions and healthy relationships.

Rangers Test
The Power Rangers Test will determine which of seven Power Rangers characters you resemble the most.

Jung Type Test
An ipsative and brief version of the world’s most popular personality test, using the Jungian typology framework.

Boomer Test
Boomers are the foundational generation in modern life, shaping modern society more than any other. This test will determine whether you are spiritually a boomer.

Migration Test
Inspired by data from YouGov and the work of philosopher Robert Nozick, this test will measure your skepticism toward immigration, using six scales.

Find out which of eight WW2 factions matches your style with this “just for fun” test.

Libertarian Test
Authored by the American professor of economics Bryan Caplan, the Libertarian Purity Test is a classic test measuring how libertarian you are.

Alcohol Test
The Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) is a simple, reliable questionnaire designed to assess alcohol use and its potential impact on an individual’s life.

Nicotine Test
The Updated Nicotine Dependence Test (MRSS) assesses nicotine use and its potential impact on an individual’s life.

Harris Test
Kamala Harris is the Vice President of the United States, recognized for her long career of public service. Do you agree with Harris?

Rilakkuma Test
The Rilakkuma Test is a “just for fun” test to determine which character from the Rilakkuma universe you most closely resemble.

Movie Test
Based on the work of researchers Nave, Rentfrow, and Bhatia, the Big Five Movie Taste Test will determine what kind of movies you like.

Obsessive Test
Based on the Obsessive Belief Questionnaire (OBQ), this test will give an indication of your possible obsessive belief elements.

Based on research from the University of Miami, the COPE Inventory Test gives an overview of your preferred coping strategies.

Milei Test
Javier Milei is the flamboyant president of Argentina who has managed to both fascinate and offend with his controversial opinions. Do you agree with Milei?

Musk Test
Elon Musk is one of the most iconic men of our time. The Elon Musk Perception Test will determine what your perception of Musk is like.

Warcraft Test
Inspired by the lore of the World of Warcraft role-playing game, the World of Warcraft Test evaluates personal characteristics related to WoW characters.

Gaming Test
The Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD-20) Test is a standardized questionnaire used to assess symptoms and severity of problematic gaming behavior.

Hunter Test
Based on the work of Mark van Vugt and colleagues at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Hunter-Gatherer Test measures whether you live in accordance with this lifestyle.

Twin Peaks Test
The Twin Peaks Test will determine which of seven Twin Peaks characters you resemble the most.

Book Test
Based on the work of researchers Nave, Rentfrow, and Bhatia, the Big Five Book Taste Test will determine what kind of books you like.

Toy Story
The Toy Story Test will determine which of seven Toy Story characters you resemble the most.

Political Test
Based on the work of researcher Lilliana Mason, the Political Polarization Test (PPT) is your chance to peek under the hood of your political beliefs.

Doraemon Test
The Doraemon Test is a “just for fun” test to determine which character from the Doraemon series you most closely resemble.

Gossip Test
Derived from Eric K. Foster’s research, this test quantifies an individual’s engagement with gossip-related behaviors.

Dragon Ball Test
The Dragon Ball Test #2 will determine which of six Dragon Ball characters you resemble the most.

Culture Test
The Organizational Culture Test will measure your firm or organization's culture using 10 different scales.

Widowed Test
"Alpha widowed" is a term used online to describe someone who once had a relationship with a highly desirable partner. Are you “alpha widowed”?

Curiosity Test
Based on research from George Mason University, the Five-Dimensional Curiosity Scale Test (5DC) will determine the nature of your curiosity.

Curb Test
The Curb Your Enthusiasm Test will determine which of seven Curb Your Enthusiasm characters you resemble the most.

Patriarchy Test
Discover where you stand on traditional gender roles and social structures with the Patriarchy Test.

WoW Class Test
Discover which World of Warcraft class best aligns with your personality, strengths, and playstyle through this engaging test.

SF Test
The Street Fighter 2 Test is a “just for fun” test to determine which character from the Street Fighter universe you most closely resemble.

Lost Test
The Lost Test will determine which of seven Lost characters you resemble the most.

The Updated Gray-Wilson Personality Test (GWPQ) offers insights into motivation, emotional regulation, and decision-making.

Shopping Test
The Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, modified for compulsive buying (YBOCS-SV), evaluates thoughts and behaviors linked to compulsive buying.

Director Test
The Movie Director Test will determine which of six modern filmmakers you align with the most.

Incredibles Test
The Incredibles Test will determine which of seven Incredibles characters you resemble the most.

Founder Test
The Founder Mode Test will determine whether you have a mindset focused on rapid problem-solving and resourceful execution.

Parent Test
Based on the work of Dr. Jeffrey Bernstein, the Adult Child Relation Test measures how you, as a parent, connect with your children, who are now adults.

Yu-Gi-Oh Test
The Yu-Gi-Oh Test will determine which of seven Yu-Gi-Oh characters you resemble the most.

Star Trek Test
The Star Trek: TNG knowledge test will determine how much you know about The Next Generation.

Dune Test
The Dune Prophecy Test will determine which of seven Dune Prophecy characters you resemble the most.

Bukele Test
Nayib Bukele is the President of El Salvador, known for his innovative approach to governance and his focus on tackling crime. Do you agree with Bukele?

Osho Test
The Indian mystic Osho continues to inspire and provoke controversy around the world. This test will determine whether you agree with Osho's ideas.

Spacebar Test
The Spacebar Clicker challenge is a fun mini-game that tests how quickly you can press the spacebar.

Wordle Test
The Wordle Daily Challenge Test will challenge you to guess the correct word in this daily mini-challenge.

Chess Test
The Chess Test is a free online chess application used to test an individual's chess aptitude.

Clicker Test
The Mouse Clicker Test CPS measures how many times you can click a mouse per second, highlighting speed and reflexes.

Flag Test
The Flag Knowledge Test will determine how many of the world’s national flags you can identify.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are ENTP or INTP.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are INTP or INTJ.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are ENTP or INTJ.

This test will give you an indication of whether you are ENTP or ENFP.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are INTP or INFP.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are INFJ or INTP.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are INTJ or INFP.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are INTJ or INFJ.

This test will give you an indication of whether you are INTJ or ENFP.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are INTJ or ISTJ.

This test will give you an indication of whether you are ENTJ or ESTJ.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are INTP or ISTP.

This test will give you an indication of whether you are ENTJ or ESTP.

This test will give you an indication of whether you are ENTP or ESTP.

This test will give you an indication of whether you are INTJ or ISTP.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are INFP or INFJ.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are ENFP or INFP.

This test will give you an indication of whether you are ENFJ or ESFJ.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are ENFP or ESFP.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are ENFJ or ESFP.

This test will give you an indication of whether you are INFP or ISFP.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are ISTJ or ISFJ.

When first looking into Jung's theory of personality, it is normal to feel torn between two types. This test will give you an indication of whether you are ISTP or ISFP.